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the name is muhammad basyar. i'm 14 years old, and still growing by the second. unfortunately, got landed in bukit view secondary school. BUT i'm proud to be an ELDDSian! EMAIL me only at mbasyar@gmail.com. add me in msn (to chat with, duh) with mbasyar@live.com. and skype me! just search mbasyar. finally, add me in facebook with 'muhammad basyar.' DON'T ever forget that. take care! :D

and after reading through that paragraph myself, i realise it's just full of 'basyar, basyar, basyar'. LOL

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stars are given in accordance to how much they ROCK my life!

my other blog

naufal ☆☆☆☆☆
jin soo ☆☆☆☆☆
melisa ☆☆
jason ☆☆☆☆☆
xiao hui ☆☆☆
venus ☆☆
denise ☆☆
xi yu ☆☆☆
hui voon ☆☆
hui juan ☆☆☆
chloe ☆☆☆
serene ☆☆
daren ☆☆☆
hong sing ☆☆☆

3e3 09 ☆☆☆☆☆
jin gen ☆☆☆
lalitha ☆
li yue ☆
mei juan ☆
chun wen ☆
ying hui ☆
joanne ☆

ELDDS, media & publicity
iqbal ☆☆☆☆☆
pooja ☆☆☆☆☆
gowri ☆☆☆☆☆
nasri ☆☆☆☆☆
jolene ☆☆☆☆
suharti ☆☆☆
jeremiah ☆☆☆☆
khaliesa ☆☆☆
milissa ☆☆☆
cheng ying ☆☆☆☆☆
afiqah ☆☆☆

ms ang ☆☆☆☆☆
nhita ☆☆☆ isabelle ☆☆☆ fathihah ☆☆☆☆ wan xin ☆☆☆ haniff ☆☆☆
raysha ☆
liyana ☆
swathi ☆
jastine ☆
rachel ☆
olivia ☆☆
chelsea ☆☆☆
praval ☆

omar ☆☆☆☆☆
aruna ☆
bro hamid ☆☆
anil ☆☆
azwan ☆☆☆
sharmilee ☆
faizal ☆
adeeba ☆
muhaiminah ☆

Singapore Social Network Updates
harry potter

those times.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

and finally, it's my blog to be updated.

hey guys!

i JUST updated my other two blogs, the harry potter one, and my class blog. oh which reminds me, i gotta link it.. hmm.. remind me if i forgot..

okay, well, apart from my other blogs, it's great to let you guys know that i'm updating that im updating this one again!

shocker, huh?

well anyway, i've been taking lots of photos in my absence. so, i guess, my new hobby, together with photoshop and cycling, is photography. it's a good bundle, you know, and i'm very appreciative to it. i can go out cycling and take photos, and come back and edit the photos to make it look great. most of my pics, which aren't REALLY that great are on my Facebook.

and i started twitting as well! follow me, here! :) it's kinda fun, actually. i can even twit from my phone, which is cool, cos i even do it in school sometimes. SOMETIMES. :P

i have a line up of stuff to accomplish this weekend:
1. complete my homework. they're written on my class blog, by me, of course.
2. 6 month overdue class logo, upsized. wish me luck on this one.

oh, i'm also back in my harry-potter-craze-mood! the website is AWESOMME. go to my other blog, i updated it about it!

and i'm missing eldds like crazy. after all the fiascos, i wanna go back and relive the days i love. and hated. so many memories, so many memories..

well then, apart from those, i think that's about it.

take care, peeps. :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

hey peeps.

yes, i know, ive been updating this blog too often. what can i do??


k, on a serious not, by sincere apologies for not updating. well you know, you have these out-of-mood kinda moods, or i'm jus plain lazy.

ok, i'm jus plain lazy.

well, sorry folks, im updating just for th sake of it. It's 1.30 at night and im not in the mood to blog (as usual *rolls eyes*). but as a simple recap, A LOT of things happened in my absence.

i'm so sorry, but with that, byes people. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

hey peeps.

just came back from the student council camp 09 yesterday.

and DAMN it was AMAZING! :D

lets start from the begining...


first embarked on the camp around 245++ , cos had to go for prayers. well, my group was brainstorming for a group name and stuff, and being a crazy guy i was, i began pouring in the wierdest names i got. namely, retardiots, milo, CSI, etc. LOL, in the end, we settled for MILO.

Intelligent of the
Organisation of BVSS

wohoo.. so after that, we did something which i forgot, and proceeded to the field for some activites. ladies and gentlemen, believe it or not, BVSS Council Board managed to accomplished a whopping number of 600 success/buddha claps straight on. success/buddha claps are claps where u gotta:
1) spread out your hands 90degrees frm your body
2) raise it all the way up and clap over you head. arms must remain straight.
3) arms caom back to 90 degrees position. not anywhere lower.

YOU try do 50 first, you'll understand the 'success' of it. well, im proud we all accomplished it. :D

then came the station games. consist of 4 stations (all in field)
1) blindfoldedly go to a tray and grab a blue ball to proceed
2) crawl on your elbows under 'barbed' wire (some string) on wet grass with the instructors spraying water over you
3) grab a ring and pass it person to person in your group. the last person would have to throw the ring to a cone. ring has to enter the cone, if not go back to start. 3 tries.
4) throw a ball at one of four board to knock them down. boards placed a few metres in front of you, balls are unreasonably light. -.-

my group screwed up a lot at stations 3 and 4. we went through station 2 for a total of 12 times. my clothes were soaked in water and grass.

well, activities after that weren't much memorable till at night at 10.
we started doing suicides. you dont wanna know what the are, and how many we did.

>>>fast forward>>>


heck. amazing race.

the line in blue is the route we took.

an overwhelming 60km, people.

ok, since i don't have much time, i'll just briefly dictate the various places we had to walk to.

1st stop : BVSS
2nd : Bukit Timah Hill
3rd : A playground somewhere in Clamenti
4th : NUS
5th : Kent Ridge PArk
6th : Henderson Waves
7th : Botanic Gardens
8th : King Albert's Park McDonalds
9th : BVSS

14 hours in total. amazing but true! :D

we had a good dinner after that crazy race; spaghetti with meatballs and stuff. and we ate half-watermelons simply off our own spoons. it was fun, until we forgot to pack it after we ate and went for debrief, coming back one and a half hours' later to an ant-filled watermelon.

so yea.

that night, in the guys sleeping quarters.. well.. simply put, stories were exchanged and things happened.. ;)


ok, so this is what we had to do, as motivation.

STEP 1 : write our dreams and goals down on a piece of paper.
STEP 2 : hold it up in front of us, our arms outstretched straight and 90degrees to our body.
STEP 3: hold it up there for 55 minutes, each minute representing a year in our lives to come.

yeah, what you read was write, you werent dreaming. 55 minutes of holding your goals in front of you and staring at it till your arms hurt and your brain scream in protest.

but did we give in?


it was probably one of the wierdest motivating training experience i ever had, but hell. im just 14.

and after that crazy hour, it was time to earn our badges from our trainers. and that's when i cried.

the badges were simple, they were just simple ribbons with the words "you are who which makes a difference in me" . or something. sorry, lost it. :P

so we were supposed to go up to our trainers, grasp hands, and exchange thoughts/thank yous with each other. trainers first, then students. and that was when i finally cried, past all those emotional moments we had, after walking 60 km, after watching my fellow friends' opinions and thoughts being shared as they cried, after everything, i learnt on that day, that a simple thank you could be one with such emotion.

and yes, i said thank you to my trainer and i teared up. i couldn't take it. 'thank you' was all that i managed.

also, i want to thank these following people for everything in the camp:
my teammates, whose names and special dedications would be typed out once i have the chance and i have reached home. im in my granny's house now :D
my trainer, Ken
and many others, whose names may not be here but they still make a difference to me.

so, with this i end this post.

and thank you very much.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

hey guys!!

i JUST came back from KL last night, landed at around 10.30ish plus. spent 5 days there doing religous stuff and clebrations and everything, so if anyone who wants to know how my trip was, i gotta say that it is DEFINITELY enriching for me in religion and spiritually. but i cant say i lived the time of my life there though, cos i was staying at a kampung area. :S but im not complaining. it was a learning experience. :)

i guess this was ALMOST a record. 5 days with no internet, computers, chatting, and smsing. the only tiny little exception was songs.. :X i couldnt take it. i HAD to... but what else could i do?? i was freaking bored killing time for 5 days..

anyway. i missed LOADS of people over those 5 days.. here's a 'dedication' thingy of memorial of thingy of me missing you guys thingy. sorry, i cant find the right word.. :S

3E3!  - rocker class
inclusive of especially:
LOL Leonard also i guess..
and those non ex-2e1s but still crazy guys like:
Jin Gen
Yu Zheng
LOL again for leonard, Clarabelle

next, ELDDS - rocker CCA/Family
literally everybody:
Pooja :D
Afiqah :D
Cheng Ying
Mdm Maz
and everyone else..

and finally, the other BVSS dudes.
shucks, i think of anyone else... but 'everyone else' here also anyway..

HAHA k that took a while...

well peeps i wanna go finish overdue homework.. the ones i didnt hand up last week.. before another pile comes tomorrow.. :'(

be back online l8r on again.. hopfully.. if i dont have anything else my mom wants me to do..

take care! :D :D :D

Saturday, February 28, 2009

as those of you who actually bother reading through my blog would know, i update once a month. nowadays only anyway. so here is the update for the month of february..

well, its STILL been a long 'year' so far. 8 subjects isnt that easy to cope with you know. and for the sake of writing, i shall write out the 8 subjects and how im doing with them..

english - normal as usual. the only difference is that the comprehension passages got more 'chim'
e maths - thank god for tuition. or i'll die. now we don;t want that to happen do we?
tamil - horrible as usual
social studies - somth like history. manageable if you memorise facts and understand well.
geography - simple so far....
a maths - similar to the e maths story
biology - its something new, but the teachers expect us to get more knowledge on our own.. i mean, com on.. like we have the time..
chemistry - more or less whatever we've learnt last year. so understandable.
finally.. physics - holds my record of sleepin 3 times in one lesson

so yeah, those are me and my 8 subjects..

common tests are over. thank god. but i really think i should work harder to buck up. i mean, this's just the start of two year's worth of torture. TWO FREAKINN YEARS!! and it seemed like the whole of infinty!!

ok, studies aside, teachers. well, our new teachers havent really comfortably settled with us yet. ok fine, i'll list down the gist of it as well..

mdm irni - i still find her abit wierd. i donno.. i guess i should give it a bit more time..
mdm lock - LOL i shall not elaborate on her.. um... attributes..
mr aw - a super boring guy. physics.
mrs ong - amazingly friendly. she's really a good and likeable teacher.

the rest are still.. okay..

my class isnt as hyper as 2E1 '08. but hey, which class is and will ever be? haha.. jin gen has actually typed a little something about each of us.. i think you can check it out here .. enjoy..

and anyway, we had our cheer practice the other day. the 5 of us (lynette, bridget, hannan, naufal and me) were at the front trying to motivate the class to yell. i figured yelling at them to yell back doesnt help, so i stated playing different camp games with them. and really, they are SOO unenthu. only a handful yell back. lynette got fed up, hong sing got pissed, and i realise i cant be present on the actual cheer date because i'll be going KL. i'll elaborate later.

ELDDS is getting more and more worrying for me. as of now, we got about 10 hours of rehearsals left to the freaking SYF. and we just saw a video of ourselves acting. oh man oh man oh man. we SERIOUSLY gotta improve. and its no use just using words. we really gotta get improvements. or else. C.O.P.

and, before i end this post,  the last topic i shall blog about now (im freakinn sleepy) is our new batch of secondary 1 students. they're probably the most ENTHUSIASTIC and ANNOYING (some only) batch ive seen!! they love it here at bukit view!

the most amazing thing is that, we just had a record number of new sec 1s joining ELDDS this year. we got a ZOMG number of 63 members in total, 25 - 30 of whom are secondary 1s. and yeah, for the first time, ELDDS is having an induction camp for them! and guess who's in charge? ME! (omgee more work.. haha not complaining though..)

and i made a new best friend! nhita! woohooo you rock ms milo! and i know you'll think the only reason im typing this is because you mentioned me in your blog. and if you REALLY are thinking that, you're right. hahas.. but seriously man. :D

and yeah, here's my coming 2-week schedule:
3 - 5 Mar [wed - fri]  - Sec 3 camp :)
6- 11 Mar [sat - wed] - going to KL
13 - 15 Mar [fri - sun] - student coucillor camp
17 - 18 Mar [ tue - wed] - ELDDS camp

three camps, and a 5-day long trip overseas. i have NO IDEA how i'm going to live through this.

wow. i feel thirsty as though i jus had to present this post for SUSO or something.. well, that's that people. a 1 month 2 week review of the BASIC (emphasis on the basic) overview of what happened in my life. take care..

Friday, January 23, 2009

okay. i realise i update every month. once. or twice. its not my fault you know. i'm busy nowadays.

well here i am, updating my blog for the month of january. and trust me when i say this, A LOT OF THINGS happened the past one month and fourteen days. lots of emotions, incidents, fedupness, stress, and work.

basically, i've been working on the school newsletter a lot nowadays. and its taking up A LOT of my time. i'm not complaining though. i have been enjoying going home late and stuff, and hey, at least  got something to do, right? so now, my usual routine after school is simply going to the artroom to have lunch, put on some headphones to blast music, and slacking. ok fine not really. i'll be working on my newsletter as well.

also, i just realised we're a short two months away from SYF. which adds to the stress im getting amounted in my head now. emotions are really running high nowadays, and we're being even more serious about this thing. personally, i feel nervous already. really. ok tell you guys what. i wont talk about this now. i dont wanna ruin my mood.

and guess what??

the super long weekend is here!! hooray!!

i really need this break man. ive been grinding my brain out the past three weeks for the newsletter, and, thankfully, ive FINALLY printed the first set out for editing, which means i got a break from mr nonis's annoying bugging.. no offence man... and i dont think it'll last long... sigh...

so, for this weekend i've already got a list of things to do:
- a one day camp tomorrow. so there goes my saturday. im not complaining again.
- the class logo board thingy. that's artwork.
- shucks. just remembered. class and eldds t-shirts.
- councillor picture thingy for the BVSS Student Council board wordpress thing. overdue for three weeks. hehe.. sorry haniff..
- HOMEWORK!! curse you pooja, you just reminded me...
- and continue with my newsletter.
- finally, im planning to go cycle one of these four days. take a few more shots here and there.. you know.. enjoy myself. cycling is one of my favourite (actually my super favourite) things to do to simply get my mind off things.. away from all my troubles.. and maybe this world..

well that's more or less it. a simple wrap up of my first few weeks of school. sigh.. it seems like two months.. GOD!!

well, take care. see you guys soon.. around school or something..


Sunday, December 14, 2008

well, i figured i should blog once every 'memorable' phase in my life. And the 'memorable' phase happening now is the December holidays in 2008.

well, i can't really say that it sucks and its boring and stuff like what a lot of other people are saying, because im rather active during the holidays.

but, before i bore you guys with the crappy details of my holiday life, i'll have to inform the world of something:

i'm going to 3e3!

yeah, its so wierd.... i even forget which classes are for double and stuff man... whats up with this school??

yeah so, back to my holidays. like i said, its not SOO boring, but its not SOO entertaining either.. but the sad thing is, ive to wake up at 8 plus like almost everyday and go down to lavender for a religous class im having there... i'm not complaining though...

my birthday's coming up in a week! well, i'm not really expecting anything big, but its good to know when you're a year elder than you were the day before.. you know..

the holidays have been rather productive actually.. but im too lazy to elaborate here... :S

well, thats my 'update' for the past month. if you guys actually understood what i wrote, because i don't, leave a tag on my tagboard..

see you.. soon...